The Labouchere Baccarat Betting System

The Labouchere Baccarat Betting System is not the most simplistic baccarat betting system known to man, but it does offer a guaranteed profit, should your bankroll be large enough to continue playing through downswings.

One major benefit of this baccarat betting system is that it doesn't have nearly the same potential for expensive escalation in wagers as the Martingale Baccarat Betting System.

It may take a few minutes of reading before you truly grasp the concept of the Labouchere system, but bare with us. It will all be clear to you by the time you finish reading this article :)

The Labouchere baccarat system is known as a “cancellation” betting system, based on a series of numbers. The bettor may choose whatever series of numbers he wishes, based on his bankroll and bet unit size. For example, 1-3-4-5, 1-2-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-4-5, 3-4-5-6, etc.

The total sum of your series of numbers represents the eventual profit you will make when the betting series is complete. In the case of 1-3-4-5, your expected profit is 13 units. It is recommended to choose a series of numbers you can easily remember. If you're playing at an online casino, simply write them down and keep track of your position with a pencil.

Now we will describe how this series of numbers is used in your Baccarat betting system. The first wager will be the total units from a combination of the first and last number in the series. So, if you're betting unit is $2, and the series is 1-3-4-5, you combine the 1+5 (the first and last numbers), then wager 6x$2 - $12.

Each time a bet is lost, you add the sum of the last combination to the end of the series (i.e. 1-3-4-5 becomes 1-3-4-5-6) and start again. If you win a wager, you remove the outside numbers (i.e. 1-3-4-5-6 becomes 3-4-5) and again place a wager equal to the new outside numbers (3+5 = 8; 8x$2 = $16 bet).

How expensive can the Labouchere Baccarat System become? That all depends on the numbers you place in your series. The lower your first number is (1 is recommended), the smaller your bets will rise during consecutive losses. Let's try a series of losses to show an example of the expense rate.

Series: 1-3-4-5
Bet Unit: $2
Expected Profit $26 (1+3+4+5 = 13; 13x$2 = $26)

First wager: $12 (1+5 = 6; 6x$2 = $12)
Lose: $12

New Series: 1-3-4-5-6
Second Wager: $14 (1+6 = 7; 7x$2 = 14)
Lose $14 (-$26 overall)

New Series: 1-3-4-5-6-7
Third Wager: $16 (1+7 = 8; 8x$2 = $16)
Lose $16 (-$42 overall)

Now, let's see how quickly those losses can be regained.

New Series: 1-3-4-5-6-7-8
Fourth Wager: $18 (1+8 = 9; 9x$2 = $18)
Win $18 (-$24 overall)

New Series: 3-4-5-6-7
Fifth Wager: $20 (3+7 = 10; 10x$2 = $20)
Win $20 (-$4 overall)

New Series: 4-5-6
Sixth Wager: $20 (4+6 = 10; 10x$2 = $20)
Win $20 (+$16 overall)

New Series: 5
Seventh Wager: $10 (5x$2 = $10)
Lose $10 (+$6 overall)

New Series: 5-5
Eighth Wager: $20 (5+5 = 10; 10x$2 = $20)
Win $20 (+$26 overall)

At this point, you have achieved your goal, making a $26 profit. You may start again with the same series of numbers, choose a new series, or treat yourself to a nice dinner at the casino's expense ;)

While the Labouchere Baccarat Betting System may require a little getting used to, if you bring a few hundred dollars to the table, you are virtually guaranteed to net a profit before the night is over.